Old Drum Marketing offers a full line of digital marketing services that can help your company increase sales

Our Services

Old Drum Marketing offers a full range of digital marketing services. Digital marketing centers around a company’s website; for some businesses, that is all they need. There is much more Digital Marketing can provide to increase sales and to improve customer relations. Whatever your needs, Old Drum Marketing can help. Whether you are just starting or have a website or marketing strategy that isn’t delivering results, Old Drum Marketing can build and manage a digital marketing plan that benefits your business.  

Web Design and Hosting

With the days of the Yellow Pages long since passed, today, people turn to the Internet when looking for a product or service (97% percent in a recent survey turn to the Internet first). That makes having a web presence critical for all businesses today. If a potential customer can’t find your website, they will likely find a competitor’s site. Having a poorly designed or a site that looks dated can be as bad or worse than having no site at all. First impressions always matter; your website is often the first interaction a potential customer will have with your business.  

Getting a quality website up and running can be daunting for small business owners. Many developers’ rates start in the thousands of dollars, and often, they don’t deliver a site that truly reflects your business or needs. Do-it-yourself sites, like Wix or Shopify, can provide excellent results, but only about 20% of people who start an account on such services ever get a complete site online. The reason is it can be frustrating to work with the configurators they utilize. Even the 20% that complete their site often find that that site doesn’t stand out.

Old Drum Marketing can create, manage, and host your website.
Old Drum Marketing can ease your website woes!

For these and other reasons, many small business owners give up. Old Drum Marketing can get you on the web with a quality site that fits your budget and reflects your business correctly. We take the time to understand your business and use that understanding to create your website. We also provide quality web hosting, so you have one vendor that handles all your website needs.  

We can design and host sites from small to large, simple to complex! We tailor to your specific needs including: 

  • Company Profile  
  • Ecommerce 
  • Appointment Setting 
  • Lead Generation 
  • Social Media Integration 

 If you are ready to have your website frustrations eliminated, click below to fill out our new website questionnaire, and we will get you on the path to success!  

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Social media marketing is a powerful way for small businesses to reach and engage with their target audience, increase brand awareness, and generate leads and sales. Old Drum Marketing can create content for Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube that can help small businesses connect with potential and existing customers, and measure and optimize their performance. 

Old Drum Marketing can help you get more likes!

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Having a great website is a great start, but people need to be able to find it when they search for your product or service. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) takes time and effort to ensure your business appears in Google and other search engines. Old Drum Marketing builds websites with SEO in mind but also offers expanded service options that go beyond the basic design strategies and aggressively push for higher search rankings.  

Old Drum Marketing can make sure your site has the best SEO possible.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a powerful and versatile marketing tool for small businesses. Email marketing lets you reach and connect with your target audience, increase your brand recognition, drive more traffic and sales, save time and money, and build strong relationships with your customers. Old Drum Marketing can manage your email lists and design and send newsletters or special offers. We can automate customer experiences that deliver a series of emails to customers based on new sales or support tickets, even on their birthdays!

Old Drum Marketing can manage and automate your Email Marketing.

Video Creation & Editing

Old Drum Marketing offers top-notch video creation and editing services. We understand that in today’s digital age, video content is a powerful tool for storytelling and marketing. We are dedicated to creating high-quality videos that effectively convey your brand’s message and engage your target audience. 

Old Drum Marketing offers video creation and editing to help you get quality content on your site and social media posts.

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